xxxxThe community café and restaurant in the park

xxxx The community café and restaurant in the park..

Hot food is served from 11am – 3pm

Opening hours:

Tuesdays to Fridays 11:00 to 16:00

Saturdays 10:00 to 16:00

Our food

A tasty and nutritious selection of meat and vegetarian stews, served with the Ethiopian traditional pancake, Injera.
We also serve a range of sandwiches, soup and other snacks, for lunches and special occasions.

The #ParkPoets meet Saturday 186h for #poetry in the park at 11:00 for sharing #poems Chat, coffee and breakfast. @EthiopianTable in Palmer Park Reading #Berkshire.
You are welcome to join us. Free parking for up to 2 hours
#RdgUk #poetry #writingcommunity

Great show with Tutu from @EthiopianTable taking the reigns as my first guest editor. Everything from having a better old age, why we shouldn’t be scared of the kids in the park and her love of Strictly! @bbcberkshire – Listen here:

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The #ParkPoets meet Saturday 186h for #poetry in the park at 11:00 for sharing #poems Chat, coffee and breakfast. @EthiopianTable in Palmer Park Reading #Berkshire.
You are welcome to join us. Free parking for up to 2 hours
#RdgUk #poetry #writingcommunity

Great show with Tutu from @EthiopianTable taking the reigns as my first guest editor. Everything from having a better old age, why we shouldn't be scared of the kids in the park and her love of Strictly! @bbcberkshire - Listen here:

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