Try my ready meals and sauces
Create the magical flavours of Ethiopian dishes in your own kitchen by using my artisan sauce or ready-meal.
Both are vegan and gluten-free.

Tutu’s Mabaya Sauce
Packed in a 200g jar, this sauce can be used as a dip, a spread or for cooking. The flavour is tomato-based with a nice bit of chilli heat.
Tutu’s Misr Wot
Packed in a 300g pouch, this is a meal that’s ready to heat and eat. It contains the most popular dish at my restaurant – Misr Wot. This spicy lentil dish is a favourite among Ethiopians.
The ideal accompaniment for this is of course my Injera (the Ethiopian sourdough pancake) but you need to come to my restaurant for those!
At home, other sourdough breads will go well with the sauce, or even with rice, couscous and homemade pancakes.
Where to buy these sauces
Tutu’s Ethiopian Table
Come to my restaurant or email me.
True Food Co-op
This ethically minded, community driven store is in Emmer Green, Reading.